Antique Pink | Portraits and stories of the older generation LGBTI’s
With Antique Pink, photographer/artist Ernst Coppejans reflects on the experiences of the first gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders and intersex people (*LGBTIs) who dared to openly embrace their sexual orientation. Thanks to the generation that brought about gay emancipation, the current LGBTIQA+ community enjoys a freedom that is anything but self-evident and that must be actively maintained.
Coppejans depicts the personal, inspiring and sometimes shocking – but also especially beautiful and intimate stories of these elderly gay people who have Dutch and migration-related backgrounds.
These personal portraits and stories will fuel the conversation between the older and younger generations, from Pride 2021 onwards. All 29 portraits (photo/film) and personal stories (Dutch/English) are bundled and designed in collaboration with the Open Mind Foundation in a traveling multimedia exhibition (indoors/outdoors), a magazine, podcast (Dutch) and an Antique Pink programme.
Antique Pink Exhibition
On July 30 2020 we started in Amsterdam (Netherlands) on the Westermarkt near the the Gay Monument. There, the outdoor traveling multimedia exhibition was unveiled by Splinter Chabot and the pink elderly and was on display there for 3 weeks. Afterwards we travelled to the Olympic Stadion in Amsterdam and in cooperation with the Rainbow Alliance to Gouda and in cooperation with the COC Rotterdam to Rotterdam. Until this day we continued traveling to many other national and international locations.

Rose Antique in Paris
On the occasion of the 2023 LGBTIQA+ Pride March, the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, in partnership with the Collège néerlandais and the Open Mind Foundation, is presenting the Antique Pink exhibition from 16 June to 11 August 2023.
Initiated and made possible thanks to the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in France, this exhibition depicts the personal stories of 30 elderly LGBTIQA+ who openly assumed their sexual orientation at a time when this was more complicated than it is today.
The Cité internationale is proud to host this exhibition, which illustrates its commitment to the fight against all forms of discrimination and celebrates the values of openness and tolerance. The Netherlands promotes equal rights for LGBTQIA+ people worldwide by working with other countries in the Equal Rights Coalition, of which France is a key member.

Antique Pink Magazine | support
All portraits and stories (Dutch and English) are bundled in a beautiful designed magazine. Unfortunately, the printed version of the magazine is sold out. Do you want to support our project? With a donation you will directly contribute to greater visibility and more understanding and acceptance of lgbtiqa+ people. stichting Open mind – Donation: NL 56 ABNA 0624 6602 49 citing support Antique Pink
The Antique Pink magazine online shows all portraits and stories in Dutch and English
See below a selection of the ANTIQUE PINK video’s by Ernst Coppejans with English subtitles:
See all ANTIQUE PINK videos… (dutch | tap on the name to find the English text) by Ernst Coppejans |
See all videos (Dutch) also on VIMEO
Antique Pink is made possible in part by: Amsterdam City Archives – the documentary photo assignment 2019 -, Municipality of Amsterdam, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Stichting Het R.C. Maagdenhuis, Stichting Brentano’s Steun des Ouderdoms, Fonds Sluyterman van Loo, Het Blauwe Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Adri and Greet Bos-de Jong Fonds, Lara Aerts, Ruth Hopkins, Studio Groen en Geel, Kellerman Bureau in Actie, Rodi Rotatiedruk, Imagebuilding and all municipalities and local partners with whom we have initiated the conversation about love with a large and wide audience, with the aim of increasing the visibility, acceptance and sense of safety among LGBTIQA+ people.
With special thanks to all 29 beautiful, strong and brave elderly gays who have had the courage to open up to us about their personal portrait and story, they stand for who they are.
Initiator Ernst Coppejans
Fundraising stichting Open mind – Daan Spanjaardt
Concept, creation and execution Ernst Coppejans – Mirjam Bekker-Stoop
Photography, film and interviews Ernst Coppejans
Text edit Lara Aerts
English translation Ruth Hopkins
Online Guusje Veenhoven en Tess Kouseband
Podcast Studio Groen & Geel
All rights reserved
© 2020 Ernst Coppejans
© 2020 foundation Open mind
More information about the Antique Pink exhibition, magazine, podcast and program in Dutch language.